In the surgical treatment of obesity, weight loss is achieved in two ways. First, the stomach volume is reduced to reduce the amount of food eaten. Second, varying lengths of small intestine are bypassed to reduce food absorption. Gastric sleeve gastrectomy is a procedure in which the stomach is cut longitudinally and a part of it is removed, reducing the volume of the stomach. It can be applied to all patients who need treatment due to obesity.
Small leaks may occur with less than 1% risk from the suture line in the stomach part removed in sleeve gastrectomy surgery. Many of the leaks also heal undetected. Sometimes, small abscesses may develop due to these leaks. In these cases, the problem is solved with external drainage of the abscess and appropriate antibiotic treatment. In rare cases, appropriate treatment with reoperation may be required.
Like all gastric reduction and surgeries for diabetes, sleeve gastrectomy surgery is performed with the closed method. In the laparoscopic method, surgery is performed with small holes of one cm and half cm opened in the abdomen. The operation of cutting and suturing the stomach is performed with disposable instruments. Water should be drunk for two days after the operation. On the third day, bowel movements of many patients return to normal and liquid foods are started.
People who have had surgery: