Abortion due to unwanted pregnancy is quite common in our country and in the world. However, there are various legal restrictions in our country. Although abortion is a very difficult decision for families, it is the legal right of families and women until the 10th week of pregnancy to terminate an unwanted pregnancy under appropriate conditions in a safe environment for health.
For married couples in unwanted pregnancies, the consent of both spouses is legally required. If the person is not officially married, he/she can only have an abortion voluntarily if he/she is over the age of 18. Guardian permission is required for women under the age of 18. Pregnancy notification to judicial authorities is mandatory for individuals under the age of 16.
Unfortunately, some pregnancies develop unhealthy. Pregnancy tissue may not be revived, its development may stop, and the baby may die in the womb. The expectant mother may have been unintentionally exposed to drugs or radiation that will cause disability in the baby. Although the mother wishes to conceive, the general health condition of the mother, such as the presence of serious heart disease, may not be suitable for pregnancy and delivery. Molar pregnancy, popularly known as grape pregnancy, is also one of the unhealthy pregnancies. Rarely, a piece may remain inside after an abortion caused by an unwanted pregnancy. Hematoma (blood clot or infection) may occur. All these reasons are medical reasons for the protection of the general health and reproductive health of the woman..
It is to take a sample from the uterus and perform pathological examination. It is performed in cases such as uterine thickening, abnormal bleeding, polyps, in order to diagnose uterine cancer.
DILATATION CURTAGE: It is the process of enlarging the cervix with instruments called bogies and entering and scraping the uterus with instruments called curettes. The metal tools used here are applied from small to large according to the gestational week. It has various risks, nowadays it is not preferred except in rare cases.
PROBE CURTAGE: It is the process of scraping the inside of the uterus for reasons other than pregnancy. Usually, the removed tissues are sent to pathology for examination.
CUROTAGE BY VACUUM: It is the process of pulling pregnancy or pathological tissue in the uterus with the effect of vacuum mediated negative pressure, which is frequently used today. Its application is a practical and fast method. Bleeding and pain will be less. Compared to abortion with sharp instruments, risks such as adhesions and uterine perforation are less.
THERAPOTIC Abortion: It covers the abortion procedures performed for therapeutic purposes. For example, the uterine wall is cleaned to reduce bleeding in uninterrupted and long-term bleeding. Bleeding cessation can save time in the treatment of severe anemia. For similar conditions, your doctor may recommend therapeutic abortion.